2 Ways to Make a Salami Rose

Salami roses are one of the best ways to elevate a charcuterie board from from a basic board to a stunning board! I love adding a salami rose to a board to add interest and showcase my own charcuterie skills.

In this post you can see 2 ways to make a salami rose.

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What is a Rose Salami?

A salami rose, also known as a charcuterie rose, is a charming arrangement of salami designed to resemble a rose or flower. While there are various techniques for crafting flowers from salami or other cured meats, a salami rose is one of the easiest and most visually appealing options to enhance your charcuterie board. All you need to create this elegant addition is a wine glass or champagne flute and sliced salami. There’s no need to worry about finding the “perfect” wine glass—any one you have at home will work beautifully!

Check out my Video on How to Make a Salami Rose in 2 Different Ways

Salami Rose #1

A salami rose can be created in just a few minutes, so there’s no need to prepare this decorative touch ahead of time. Simply gather your charcuterie board ingredients, including sliced salami and a champagne flute. To make your rose, you’ll need at least 8 slices of salami, but using more slices will result in a fuller, more robust rose. You can easily find pre-sliced salami or cured meats at most grocery stores or order them online. Salami slices come in various sizes, so keep that in mind when selecting your glass. For smaller slices, opt for a glass with a smaller circumference, while larger slices pair better with wider glasses. While champagne flutes work particularly well, you can also use a wine or water glass if that’s what you have on hand.

Assemble your supplies to create a rose salami - board, champagne flute and salami
How to make a pepperoni rose (or charcuterie roses)

Step 1

Separate your slices of salami and place the first slice over the top of the edge of the glass. Gently press the salami piece into a place. The salami should be folded in half over the rim of the glass.

Place the second piece of salami overlapping the first piece and press it into place gently.

Continue folding the pieces of salami over the glass going around in a circle.

Step 2

Keep pressing the salami slices in a circular pattern around the rim of the glass until you’ve used enough slices to form your rose. A minimum of 8 slices is recommended, but adding more will create a fuller and more defined flower. Once all the slices are arranged, gently press them into place to secure the shape.

Carefully flip the glass upside down and press lightly to help the salami rose hold its form.

Lift the glass to reveal your stunning salami rose! If you’re not satisfied with the appearance, you can place the rose back into the rim of the glass, adjust the arrangement, or add more salami slices. The flower will hold its shape well, allowing you to reposition it as needed on your charcuterie board.

Salami Rose #2

The second rose salami is made inside a small board and has a bit of a fancier design. You will need slightly more salami to make this rose and a small bowl. You can purchase a small plastic bowl or use a small bowl of your own.

Step 1:

Start by folding your salami around the rim of your bowl. Only about 1/3 of each salami should hang over the top of the bowl. Use about 9 pieces of salami.

Step #2

Lay out a row of salami overlapping on the country.

Fold you row of salami in half.

Roll up your salami row into a circle.

Step 3

Pick up your circle of salami and place this in the center of your salami in the bowl. Take just a minute to loosen up your salami.

Place your bowl on your charcuterie board and build your board around you salami rose!

Looking for more ideas? Follow me on Pinterest.

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