How to Make a Charcuterie Board Fruit Spread

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Bright colored and delicious fruit makes a great ingredient for your next charcuterie board. I love to serve a fruit charcuterie board when my kids get home from school or as a platter during a birthday party. Fruit makes a great addition to a charcuterie board whether you are making a classic charcuterie board or are making a charcuterie board fruit platter. Add a burst of color to your day (and some extra nutrients!) You can find a complete list of the best fruit for a charcuterie board here.

The best thing about these colorful boards is that you can add any type of fruit you want. This article has suggestions, but you can easily make this with tropical fruit, seasonal fruit, or common fruit you eat everyday.

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Why Make a Charcuterie Board Fruit Display

Charcuterie Board Fruit Spread

There are many reasons that fruit makes a great charcuterie board, and if you’re already here reading this, you likely have your own reason for assembling a fruit board. Below are a few of our favorite reasons to make a fruit board:

  • Fruit comes in such a beautiful range of colors and a fruit charcuterie board is full of vibrant with pops of color
  • Fruit is a healthy ingredient to include on a charcuterie board and with a range of flavors from sweet to tart it can be a healthy and delicious snack
  • Fruit comes in a variety of textures and can be the perfect palate cleanser when served with other foods or between meals
  • A fruit charcuterie board can be served anytime – consider serving it as a snack, appetizer, dessert, or at your next party
  • You can fund a large amount of fruit at your local grocery store

Best Fruit for a Charcuterie Board

The fruit charcuterie boards on this page are made with just fruit found at our local store and took only a few minutes to assemble. You can see the ingredients used in the image below but you can use any fruit to assemble a charcuterie board. If you are looking for the best fruit to add to a more traditional charcuterie board, choose grapes, strawberries, or apples, as these ingredients pair well with other food such as cheese.

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Grapes
  • Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, etc)
  • Melon (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew)
  • Kiwi
  • Citrus (oranges, clementines, etc)
  • Star Fruit
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Pomegranate
  • Peaches and nectarines

You can see more details about the best fruit for a charcuterie board here.

How to Assemble a Charcuterie Board Fruit Spread

One of my favorite things about a charcuterie board fruit platter or spread is that there are countless ways to assemble it and the colors and textures provide endless opportunities for creative design. In addition, you can find many creative ways to cut and serve fruit. I love spending a little extra time adding a few fun and creative elements when serving a fruit charcuterie board. You can find lots of tutorials online for how to cut fruit into creative shapes.

Below are a few tips and ideas for putting together a perfect fruit charcuterie board:

  • Select your favorite fruit and lay it on the board in small rows and piles. Cover the entire board completely.
  • Using a round charcuterie board, lay your fruit in a radiating pattern – this ends up looking like a flower or a sunburst.
  • Create a fruit charcuterie board in a rainbow pattern by laying out rows of different colored (you can also do this with a vegetable charcuterie board)
charcuterie board fruit design
charcuterie board fruit design

Recipe for a Charcuterie Board Fruit Spread

Below you can see a list of the ingredients and directions for making this fruit charcuterie board. Don’t get too hung up on finding the perfect ingredients – select whatever looks delicious and ripe at the store. It’s very hard to go wrong when making this board, so I encourage you to get creative!

Charcuterie Board Fruit Platter

Create a fresh, colorful, and delicious fruit charcuterie board.


  • 1 Charcuterie Board
  • 1 Sharp knife for cutting


  • Apples
  • Grapes
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Pomegranate
  • Kiwi
  • Oranges
  • Honeydew Melon
  • Cantaloupe
  • Watermelon
  • Starfruit


  • Cut fruit into bite sized shapes or pieces that are easy to pick up
  • Place fruit on the charcuterie board – you can place items in bunches or rows, or make a circular board to make your platter look like a flower. This can easily be done in just 5 minutes or you can take your time with a more creative design.
  • Serve immediately
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